The title of the research is
“Privacy management for online social networks”. The study carried out in 2012,
by Gorrell P. cheek and Mohamed Shehab from the college of computing and
informatics in the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
In the research, a model called Same -As Privacy Management was
introduced and it was compared with the traditional Group Based Privacy Management.
As a result, a considerable reduction in authoring time was observed in Same As
Privacy Management. In additions other advantages of Same As Privacy Management
was also found in the study. The aim of the research was to provide an improved
approach for managing access to user profile data, content in online social networks.
The research contributed to the aim in two ways.
1. Using a program called visual policy editor,
which help to recognize friends with minimal task
2. A prototype facebook application used to
identify the effectiveness of the privacy
management in online social networks.
A quantitative observation on the
effectiveness of the new model performed using a sample facebook address. That
has only three profile object categories namely “Album”, “About me” and “Education
and Work”. The challenge that they had in the research was keeping privacy
among the large number of contents joined with the large number of users
In the traditional Group Based
Privacy Management, the user first group their friends, then make group policies,
finally go to friend level, build exception to the group policy. Users’ attention
drawn was to different areas. However, in the Same As Privacy Management, the
users’ memory were borrowed temporarily and the opinion of their friends were
taken to set policies for other similar friends. The users’ attentions
immediately focused on different friends.
A representative friend selected.
(Same As Example Friend). Profile object permissions assigned to this example
friend and to other similar friends as Same As Example friend. It was believed
that the subset from where the representative friend was selected have the
equal trust. Using the visual policy editor, appropriate object permissions for
each object within the profile were assign. Within each profile object category,
objects were present. For example, “About me” I have my birthday, status,
correct city etc. The user can simply give excess to an object or to object
category by clicking allow or deny. If it was to deny the content, all will
appear in gray color. Once the Same As Example Friend was set with the limited permission.
Then the visual policy editor will show the friend set. Hence the user can
connect the friends either to already defined Same As Example Friend or
designated to new Same As Example Friend.
The policy authorizing time
between GBPM and SAPM observed. It was significantly less in SAPM
than GBPM. Three types of users analyzed. In all these type, they found
reduction in authorizing time. Across the board, other comparisons identified. They
were policy openness and user friendliness. In aggregation both these aspects
also had a significant effect; an effectiveness towards SAPM.
Hence this improved privacy model should be more liable to use by Muslim. Since it provides us, more security to keep our belongings stored in clouds or social networks. Together with its effectiveness, security it may be use in children education. It is because nowadays children like to get into social networks like facebook.
Hence this improved privacy model should be more liable to use by Muslim. Since it provides us, more security to keep our belongings stored in clouds or social networks. Together with its effectiveness, security it may be use in children education. It is because nowadays children like to get into social networks like facebook.
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