“Rethinking information ethics
education in Ghana. Is it adequate?” written based on the three dominant
ethical theories that define information ethics. They are
1. Consequence-based theories or consequentialism
2. Duty-based theory or deontology
3. Virtue-based theories that also include right-based theories
(Fallis, 2007)
The first one is about the outcomes. The second,
one is about the rules. The third one is about the character of people or moral
agents. Since all these emphasizes on ethical value in the society. Hence, they
will help people not to violate any value of the society. Therefore following
those theories will promote what is good in the people namely their norms,
displine, morals and values which are believed by everyone.
S.Dadzie did this study .The data obtained from the universities’ websites,
handbooks, course outlines. Hence, some interviews with librarians, faculty
members and from the students were included. It published in 2011, in the
international library review volume 43, pages 63-69.
There was a
quantitative analysis made to check the aspects of information ethics taught in
different educational organizations. According to the table it is run, in
Faculty, department and in school. It also identify whether it was taught in
the under graduate level or postgraduate level. There was no any course taught
in this aspect at any school. The table stated that whether the taught courses
were specific on IE issues or not.
There was an introduction,
which talked about the enhancement to access the information and how it should
be retrieve. In addition, had cited the Geneva’s convention specific to the
information ethics. Furthermore, it talked about ethical principles that
followed in order to get the information and hence the benefits it would have got.
In the body,
the writer talked about the present situation of the information ethic
education in Ghana. He explained that IE
not taught in any tertiary education institute .And also students were not
questions about any serious information ethics violation. The writer further emphasized
that there were policies made on information ethics. However, none of the student
penalized so far. In addition, the students were not even aware that they exist.
The other
parts were challenges and the opportunities of information ethics education. It
seems that there were challenges in the universities and in the whole nation. If
this course needed to be run, lot of full time lecturers would have been needed
which already burden to the universities.And getting the approval from the university board
seemed to be difficult and it might take about 2 years to be in action.
The external
challenges were that already absent laws and policies about the information ethics.
Moreover, the delay of enacting bills. Sometimes if certain law exists, people
fail to obey it. The reason was there was no strong enforcement of the laws
about information ethics since people were not aware of it. The other
challenges were the absence of coherent national information policy. Moreover
the last challenge was that the absent of cyber law. The opportunities described
next were, an introduction course for all fresh candidates, for this part time
lecturer can be hired. The other opportunity was to introduce a faculty
required information ethic course. This will be much possible because it was much
smaller scale. In addition, universities can make their code of conduct on
academic integrity and plagiarism. Furthermore, departments can also make guideline
about information ethics covering the major parts. Still more, library association,
jourlist association and government agencies can provide awareness program about
this issue.
In the conclusion,
it emphasized to the important of knowing the information ethics to Ghanaian
citizen. The aspects of IE taught in the universities were not enough for them
to have sound knowledge about it. Therefore, they continued to misuse
information out of ignorance. Hence, it was a great requirement to structure
program at higher education level.
overall well done. However please include the implication to teaching and learning. Also, you did not address the islamic perspectives.
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